RKINⓇ February 2022 CBS Salt-Free Water Softener Giveaway - RKIN

Sorteo de suavizador de agua sin sal CBS RKINⓇ de febrero de 2022

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6 comentarios

I just purchased the countertop reverse osmosis, I love it the water taste so much better than bottled water. I may look into the combination softener/ reverse osmosis system in the future.

Margaret Brunke

I really need a system in my home. I have well water & it’s very hard leaving me soaking faucets because of all the calcium & lime buildups… but on a fixed income & can’t afford to purchase.. I sure would love love love to win a home filtration system,

Annette Whitlow

I would drink water daily If this system filtered our water. Now I drink tea because I feel our home water needs to be boiled & I FILTER IT THRU COFFEE FILTERS..

Liesje marie fennimore

Great Giveaway

Joan Cisko

I had a under sink Reverse Osmosis System set up in my basement and used it for a year and then my wife showed me how much water was being wasted, She ask me to shut it down. And I still miss that great tasting water. My daughter-in-law miss it also.

Bob Hird

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