Sorteo de ablandador de agua sin sal RKIN OnliSoft con prefiltro Zee-Pro
La vida puede ser difícil, pero el agua no tiene por qué serlo. Únase al sorteo de este mes para tener la oportunidad de ganar un ablandador de agua sin sal CBS OnliSoft alternativo con prefiltro ZEE Pro - Valor de $599,67 :
- Protege los electrodomésticos y las tuberías contra la acumulación dañina de sarro.
- Filtra arena, limo, arcilla y cualquier otro sedimento.
- Carcasa de filtro de alta calidad con tecnología antimicrobiana Microban.
- Reemplazo de filtros fácil y de bajo mantenimiento.
- Diseño compacto que ahorra espacio.
Para participar del sorteo y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar, ingresa tu dirección de correo electrónico a continuación. Anunciaremos el nombre del afortunado ganador del premio el 18 de julio de 2020.
¡Buena suerte!
Además, comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal de la alternativa de suavizante de agua sin sal CBS OnliSoft con prefiltro ZEE Pro.
32 comentarios
Like soft water
I am the ideal winner for tge CBS OnliSoft Salt-Free Water Softener Alternative with ZEE Pro PreFilter as I am 66 and have a lot of health issues. I am told I need to drink a lot of water but it tastes so bad I have a hard time drinking it. I know I could buy bottled water but it is hard for me to get out to get it and also I just can’t afford it.
We have a salt activated softener that takes a lot of room. During power failures we lose our well water, so I would like to remove the softener and install a large pressure tank to hold a couple days of water.
Our water is very hard, has sulfur that smells and iron. Everything turns brown. We really need this OnliSoft Salt-Free Water Softener Alternative with ZEE Pro PreFilter. It sounds so easy to install and change filters. I cant wait to win it!!!
I am the ideal winner of the CBS OnliSoft Salt-Free Water Softener Alternative with ZEE Pro PreFilter as my husband is suffering with heart disease and is on a salt-free diet and as we have a drilled well with extremely hard water, a water softener is very necessary in order to use the water. Therefore a salt-free water softener alternative would be perfect for us! I also love the low maintenance & easy filter replacement feature and the fact that is filters out sediments.Thank you for the chance to win this great giveaway.