2021 Holiday Season Giveaway - RKIN

Sorteo de la temporada navideña de 2021

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10 comentarios

Pick me!!

James Smollen

I would love to win I need it. I’m glad you did enter me thank you

Darlene Collins

I sure would love to win one! I’m disabled and on a fixed income, so winning one just may be the only way I could receive one. They look great!

Jennifer Gilbert

Hi this would mean the world to me to have clean drinking water for mea and my grandchildren and friends and family I live in a building from the 18 hundreds and are water is not safe to drink and has caused me health issues all children need clean drinking throughout the world thankyou God bless

Cindy Wallace

Hi this would be great for me and my grandchildren we all need to be drinking safe water for our health friends a family this would mean a great deal to me for all children need clean drinking water throughout the world god bless thankyou. Miss Wallace

Cindy Wallace

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