Protege los electrodomésticos y las tuberías contra la acumulación de dureza dañina.
Ablandador de agua sin sal
Compacto y ahorra espacio.
Ingrese a continuación para unirse al sorteo y aumentar sus posibilidades de ganar.
Si el premio ganador no se adapta a las necesidades de filtración de agua de su hogar, se puede canjear por crédito en la tienda y aplicarlo a otros productos RKIN como elPurificador de Instalación Cero, que no necesita instalación.
¡Buena suerte!
Además, comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal del sistema de ablandamiento de agua PPH.
We just purchased our first home last year. Its older and water is hard. To the point I itch after I shower. I’d love a softener to ease the itch on my family
I live in an extremely hard water area … constantly removing hard water residue rings in bathrooms and kitchen
Even with our present softener, my well water deposits rust stains on everything. It’s truly a nightmare!
The issue of poor quality water is a major concern in many developing countries, like Uganda where I come from. While I may not make the winning cut, how I wish this giveaway went to someone facing such issues, be it from a developing country or not. Thanks
I have the hardest water in my house. The deposits on my sinks, faucets and dishes is awful. Plus it is really tough on my skin.
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91 comentarios
We just purchased our first home last year. Its older and water is hard. To the point I itch after I shower. I’d love a softener to ease the itch on my family
I live in an extremely hard water area … constantly removing hard water residue rings in bathrooms and kitchen
Even with our present softener, my well water deposits rust stains on everything. It’s truly a nightmare!
The issue of poor quality water is a major concern in many developing countries, like Uganda where I come from. While I may not make the winning cut, how I wish this giveaway went to someone facing such issues, be it from a developing country or not. Thanks
I have the hardest water in my house. The deposits on my sinks, faucets and dishes is awful. Plus it is really tough on my skin.