CBS™ PPH Salt-Free Whole House Water Softener System Giveaway - RKIN

Sorteo del sistema de ablandamiento de agua para toda la casa sin sal CBS™ PPH

Este febrero, estamos regalando un sistema de ablandamiento de agua CBS™ PPH a un afortunado suscriptor de correo electrónico de RKIN:

  • Protege los electrodomésticos y las tuberías contra la acumulación de dureza dañina.
  • Ablandador de agua sin sal
  • Compacto y ahorra espacio.

Ingrese a continuación para unirse al sorteo y aumentar sus posibilidades de ganar.

Si el premio ganador no se adapta a las necesidades de filtración de agua de su hogar, se puede canjear por crédito en la tienda y aplicarlo a otros productos RKIN como el Purificador de Instalación Cero , que no necesita instalación.

¡Buena suerte!

Además, comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal del sistema de ablandamiento de agua PPH.

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91 comentarios

My water softener went out months ago. I can’t afford another one, but I wanted to buy what you offer in this contest! Yours is the best.


My husband passed away a few mos ago. He took care of all the repairs and maintenance. Right after he died so did our hot water heater. Now I have a new one but I know it can go bad fast unless you clean it. My son is supposed to do it but you know how that goes right? I really need this system to keep me up and running. I now live on a fixed income and repairs plus new stiff will be difficult. Getting old is hard but my water should not be. I think cleaning may be easier with soft water. My skin would sure love it in the shower. I am anemic so I am always tired so if I can have a easier life that would be a very nice thing.

Judy Elmayan

We live in an area that time has fore gotten. We can’t get city water because our county can’t or won’t cross the bridge. We live 250 feet from the next county which will not cross over to bring us city water. So we all have well water which isn’t bad but the lime build up is awful. It is hard on my appliances and whole house pipes. Also dries out the skin. We live on a fixed income and can’t afford the expense of adding anything else to our budget. My husband became disabled in March 2019. It took 3 hospital visits a broken arm and a total left knee replacement to try and get disability. It took us 8 months. They didn’t back pay him so we are trying to catch up with bills. I pray we are the winners. Good Luck to all and Thank You for the chance to possible win this great prize.

Belinda Brothers

I am a senior and need a whole house water purifier filtration system made by Ideally, I would need the exact system that eliminates high iron content, and my home was polluted by a gas station tank spill that polluted the drinking water with VOC (volatile cancer causing chemicals of MTBE and BTEX, other chemicals also, and worst of all the New York State Dept. of Conservation Region 1 Stonybrook, NY, promised a whole house filtration system but never provided! I would be most appreciative to win what I need!

Saveria Garcia-Macri

Our water supply comes from the faucet white in color. It tastes funny too

Robert Postlewait

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