Flash AlcaPure™ Reverse Osmosis System New Year, New You Giveaway - RKIN

Sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash AlcaPure™ Sorteo Año nuevo, nueva vida

Para dar inicio a sus propósitos saludables para el Año Nuevo, estamos regalando el nuevo sistema de ósmosis inversa debajo del fregadero Flash - Edición AlcaPure - valor de $299,95:

  • Transforma el agua corriente común en agua potable pura, saludable y deliciosa.
  • Edición AlcaPure para alcalinos pH 7-8.
  • Elimina hasta el 99% de todos los contaminantes: fluoruro, cloro, metales pesados ​​​​y otros.
  • Membrana de ósmosis inversa certificada según NSF/ANSI 58.
  • Grifo de cuello de cisne cromado sin plomo

Si el premio ganador no se adapta a las necesidades de filtración de agua de su hogar, se puede canjear por crédito en la tienda y aplicarlo a otros productos RKIN.

Para participar del sorteo y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar, ingresa a continuación.

¡Buena suerte!

Además, ¡comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal del sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash!

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99 comentarios

I live in a small rural town with terrible water system, I regularly buy my filtered water from a self serve place that provides Reverse Osmosis system for different water container sizes; winning this/my own Reverse Osmosis system and having it at home would be so great, it would make life so much easier, convenient, and so appreciated, in that I won’t have to lug these BIG heavy 5 gallon water containers around to regularly buy and refill my good water.

Maxine Turner

I just want water that is pure and doesn’t taste like diluted chlorox

bob tombs

My house was built in 1930. The city says the lead pipes need replacing. I cannot afford it. The water scares me.


I live in a 50year old building with the original pipes on city water

angela eagle

For years I installed high end aquariums and learned that as little as 10 gallons of city drinking water in a 300 gallon aquarium could kill all the living organisms in the aquarium. I located a local manufacturer of Reverse Osmosis filtration systems and began installing them for all of my friends and family. After I moved to a new city I learned that all of the employees of the city’s Water Treatment Plant did not trust the drinking water and had additional filters in their homes. I firmly believe that Reverse Osmosis filters are infinitely better than most of the gravity filters available and would love to have one of these units in our home.

Jonathan Kurz

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