Flash AlcaPure™ Reverse Osmosis System New Year, New You Giveaway - RKIN

Sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash AlcaPure™ Sorteo Año nuevo, nueva vida

Para dar inicio a sus propósitos saludables para el Año Nuevo, estamos regalando el nuevo sistema de ósmosis inversa debajo del fregadero Flash - Edición AlcaPure - valor de $299,95:

  • Transforma el agua corriente común en agua potable pura, saludable y deliciosa.
  • Edición AlcaPure para alcalinos pH 7-8.
  • Elimina hasta el 99% de todos los contaminantes: fluoruro, cloro, metales pesados ​​​​y otros.
  • Membrana de ósmosis inversa certificada según NSF/ANSI 58.
  • Grifo de cuello de cisne cromado sin plomo

Si el premio ganador no se adapta a las necesidades de filtración de agua de su hogar, se puede canjear por crédito en la tienda y aplicarlo a otros productos RKIN.

Para participar del sorteo y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar, ingresa a continuación.

¡Buena suerte!

Además, ¡comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal del sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash!

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99 comentarios

This would be so nice

Kevin Nikolish

We live in the corn belt, also have hog confinements, chicken confinement for egg production, etc., all around us. Farmers are spraying their fields with pesticides, etc. I have been afraid of the rural water system for some time and this would be a tremendous relief in install in our home.

jacqueline nikolish

I live in an area where monthly we receive notice that the water does not meet environmental standards. The water smells and tastes like algae and is often yellow in color. I live on disability payments which don’t allow me to buy the equipment needed to improve the water flowing through the lines so I am often sick. A system such as reverse osmosis would greatly improve the water I and my family use to drink, cook and bathe in.

Melissa Scott

Been very ill past 3yrs gut mcas, horrible I mean absolutely horrible water here I’ve never seen anything like it my 50 yrs. My husband says it’s this house, I freaking believe it, sicker than ever been that’s after 18 Neuro surgeries for disability I’ve suffered with over 20 yrs, this would be blessing, disabled on top of sick n poor has been absolute h$ll!! Can’t get out immunity gone, can’t eat reacting to everything, need all help possible grateful for chance

Lisa Hayes

Reverse osmosis is the way to go for water purification. It also makes the best-tasting coffee and beer for anyone who brews it at home. We would love to win this! We haven’t started home-brewing beer yet, but this would be step 1. Thanks for the chance!

Roger Nusbaum

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