Sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash AlcaPure™ Sorteo Año nuevo, nueva vida
Para dar inicio a sus propósitos saludables para el Año Nuevo, estamos regalando el nuevo sistema de ósmosis inversa debajo del fregadero Flash - Edición AlcaPure - valor de $299,95:
- Transforma el agua corriente común en agua potable pura, saludable y deliciosa.
- Edición AlcaPure para alcalinos pH 7-8.
- Elimina hasta el 99% de todos los contaminantes: fluoruro, cloro, metales pesados y otros.
- Membrana de ósmosis inversa certificada según NSF/ANSI 58.
- Grifo de cuello de cisne cromado sin plomo
Si el premio ganador no se adapta a las necesidades de filtración de agua de su hogar, se puede canjear por crédito en la tienda y aplicarlo a otros productos RKIN.
Para participar del sorteo y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar, ingresa a continuación.
¡Buena suerte!
Además, ¡comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal del sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash!
99 comentarios
I can’t say I’m the “ideal” winner; that’s an honour I’d grant to someone much less fortunate. But I think winning would be ideal for me because I’m a home brewer, and it’s really challenging to make great beer on our unpredictable town supply. RO would give me a clean slate to start from. Cheers!
Have horrible water in the tn
Every several months my life supply of H2o runs brown like a line flush and tastes salty and sometimes so bad my dog will not drink it…tells you something is wrong. Needless to say bottled and borrowed is how we roll… There are times I am nervous brushing my teeth. I am on a minimum pension but I am squirreling as much money as humanly possible to hopefully one day purchase if a win is not in our future. I feel bad for Skratch, my dog…just want to turn on a tap and enjoy a safe and tasty drink of every ones major need…water.
I reiterate, small rural town with terrible water system, I buy my filtered water from a Reverse Osmosis system location, however owning my own Reverse Osmosis system AT/IN Home…will make life so much easier and convenient; winning this ROSystem in-home, Not having to regularly lug these Big Heavy😥 5 gallon jugs around to get good filtered, safe water -all year round would be greatly appreciated.
I reiterate, I live in a small rural town with terrible water system, I buy filtered water from a Reverse Osmosis system location, however owning my own Reverse Osmosis system AT/IN Home…will make life so much easier and convenient; I would so appreciate winning this ROSystem in-home, and Not having to lug these Big Heavy 5 gallon jugs around (and is Heavy 😥), having to regularly get my filtered good, safe water -all year round.