Flash AlcaPure™ Reverse Osmosis System New Year, New You Giveaway - RKIN

Sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash AlcaPure™ Sorteo Año nuevo, nueva vida

Para dar inicio a sus propósitos saludables para el Año Nuevo, estamos regalando el nuevo sistema de ósmosis inversa debajo del fregadero Flash - Edición AlcaPure - valor de $299,95:

  • Transforma el agua corriente común en agua potable pura, saludable y deliciosa.
  • Edición AlcaPure para alcalinos pH 7-8.
  • Elimina hasta el 99% de todos los contaminantes: fluoruro, cloro, metales pesados ​​​​y otros.
  • Membrana de ósmosis inversa certificada según NSF/ANSI 58.
  • Grifo de cuello de cisne cromado sin plomo

Si el premio ganador no se adapta a las necesidades de filtración de agua de su hogar, se puede canjear por crédito en la tienda y aplicarlo a otros productos RKIN.

Para participar del sorteo y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar, ingresa a continuación.

¡Buena suerte!

Además, ¡comente a continuación y háganos saber por qué es el ganador ideal del sistema de ósmosis inversa Flash!

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99 comentarios

Reading through many of the comments makes me realize that almost everyone living in a city has NO IDEA what is actually being supplied by their regional (or city) Water Treatment Plant.
The water treatment plant pumps in raw water from the source (usually a river) and adds chemicals that bind to the organic materials in the water. The water is then aerated so a froth is created which will float. This water with dissolved chemicals is then sent to a very large tank (or series of tanks) where the froth floats to the top and is skimmed off and dumped down the drain (back into the river).
The water is then treated with Chlorine (think bleach) which is supposed to kill bacteria.
It takes time for this to happen so many municipalities also add ammonia (bonded into something called Chloramine) so that it takes longer for the chlorine to evaporate out of the water.
Some municipalities then also expose the water to Ultra Violet light (sort of like sunlight) which sterilizes (not kills) bacteria.
This water is then stored in HUGE reserves waiting to be pumped out to the communities through a series of pipes.
Many of these pipes (depending on the age of the municipality) were sealed using lead solder.
Many pipes are galvanized metal (steel pipe coated with zinc), some are concrete, some are copper, and some are plastic (many different varieties).
The idea that any municipality could actually filter millions of gallons and deliver it to every home is ludicrous.
If you ask your local municipality exactly what they test for when they test the water, for the most part the answer will be e-coli (feces).
Boil water advisories are issued when the e-coli count exceeds that regulated by the government.
Boiling water does nothing to remove arsenic or lead or any of the heavy metals that may be present nor any of the harmful chemicals or toxins that may be present.
Boiling does help the chlorine and the ammonia evaporate faster which is why you might smell it more when taking a hot shower.
The only way to get rid of the metals and toxins is to filter your water.
The purest water is achieved through triple distillation (long, tedious, and expensive) and the next best is reverse osmosis which is mostly rated at removing 99.9% of everything other than the pure H2O (water).
In my opinion, reverse osmosis filtration is the only answer for anyone living with city water.

Jonathan Kurz

My son and daughter have been telling me I should get this, I am 74 and need all the healthy environmental help I can get, including the safe, pure water!

Rena Walter

I would feel so much better about our water with a new Flash Under-sink Reverse Osmosis System because we have well water, which is not so bad except for the fact there’s a landfill not to far away. 😰

trin rimes

There are a LOT of Christmas tree farms in my region of NC. They use toxic chemicals which gets into well water causing increasing rates of cancer here. I could really use a quality whole house filtration system to help improve and maintain my family’s health.

Cindy A
I am living in a house that is full of mold and has all lead pipes and I am in heart failure so I’m doing everything I can to live little bit longer
Julie rosier

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