RKINⓇ New Year, New You Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Giveaway - RKIN

Sorteo de filtros de agua por ósmosis inversa RKINⓇ Año nuevo, nueva vida

Si no quieres esperar para saber si eres o no el ganador de este sorteo, puedes usar este Cupón de 25% de DESCUENTO para el Sistema de Ósmosis Inversa Bajo Fregadero Flash : FLASH25 .

El cupón vence el viernes 1 de enero de 2021 a la medianoche.

Premios de sorteos otorgados anteriormente

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10 comentarios

This would go well in my bug out bag!!!

Lee a McCloud-Lazarick

I went win


I used to own a water filter and would love to own one again.

Jerry is LeBlanc

Do the filtration systems remove the healthy natural minerals from the water?


My son lives in Lake Havasu,Az.. the water is horrible. The water is hard, tastes terrible, and there are days when the maganeeze is in the water and you can’t even do your laundry. I’d give this prize to my son, he can’t afford a water system, he would be very pleased

Sharon LeCompte

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