RKINⓇ AlcaPure Zero Installation Purifier Giveaway - RKIN

Sorteo de purificador de instalación RKINⓇ AlcaPure Zero

Si no quiere esperar para saber si es o no el ganador de este sorteo, puede aprovechar nuestra promoción de medidor de TDS gratuito por tiempo limitado con la compra del purificador de instalación cero AlcaPure o el sistema de ósmosis inversa debajo del fregadero Flash con grifo cromado sin plomo .

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12 comentarios

WHY DON’T I GET A CONFIRMATION ON MY ENTRY. I never get any confirmations with the KingSumo app. it seems like it’s probably a waste of my time to enter if it’s not getting recorded.

Janice Pittenger

As soon as I pour a glass of tap water ,which I won’t drink , I can smells chemicals only. It horrible ,there shouldn’t be any smelkto water


The water where I live smells like sulphur and tastes awful. I think our health is a great concern drinking this awful brownish water. I’d really love to win this water purifier.


I would love to win this

Bruce Robbins

Great unit

George Roberts

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